NorPhone Support & User Manual

All NorPhones have the same basic operation. Therefore, this all-purpose manual will cover installation, configuration, and use of any NorPhone.
Features and options available only on specific models are denoted with labels like this: Home Home Plus Office PBX Payphone Slimline Attendant

1Introduction & How to Get Support

The NorPhone is a series of telephone equipment in Second Life. Users can call other telephones and talk using text no matter where they are - all NorPhones are gridwide. Phone owners can register any number they like, which allows them to place and receive calls throughout the grid using their NorPhone.

Support: If you have already purchased a NorPhone, we sincerely hope you enjoy it and get the most out of your purchase. If you have questions about how to use your NorPhone, please read through the Frequently Asked Questions section at the end of this manual. If your question isn't listed, you can call our free operator service when available (availability is shown in the Phonebook). You can also contact Nelson Jenkins, Will Szymborska, or Johnathan Lycheborne in-world. (If you have a problem with purchasing, or need a redelivery for any reason, contact Nelson Jenkins only.)

Sales: Before purchasing a NorPhone, if you have any questions on how they work, please read through the Frequently Asked Questions section at the end of this manual. If your question isn't answered, contact Nelson Jenkins, Will Szymborska, or Johnathan Lycheborne in-world. We will be more than happy to help. When you're ready to purchase, take a look at which phone is right for you on our Buy Now page.


Payphone Payphone Installation
Payphones require no installation and cannot be configured except for the booth settings on Booth models (which can be accessed by clicking the booth itself). Payphones auto-register when rezzed on a random number within the 950 prefix (exclusive to Payphones). They are public access and outbound only.

NorPhone installation is simple and takes only a few seconds. Once your phone is rezzed, open Web Config using the following methods:

  • Home Home Plus Click the white number label (blank if unregistered) on the face of the phone, below the number pad.
  • Office Slimline Click the [PROG] key.
  • PBX Click anywhere on the PBX.
  • Attendant Click the [CONFIG] button.
  • Payphone For models with a digital display, click the display. For those without, click the number label (blank if unregistered) under the handset.

Click "Go to page" in the pop-up dialog box. Once Web Config is opened, you will see a variety of options. The only option you must set is the Line Number at the top of the page.

In the Line Number entry field, type a 7-digit number of your choice. The full 10-digit number, with your region's area code, will be filled in the middle. When the Availablity indicator shows " Available", that means your number is valid and can be registered. If it shows something else, Web Config will show you a notification explaining the problem. Usually, the number is already taken or is restricted (a few numbers are restricted for system use).

PBX PBX Configuration Requirements
The PBX requires that you also enter at least one Outbound Line, or Web Config won't let you register. For more information on PBX configuration, refer to the PBX Configuration section.
Attendant Attendant Configuration Requirements
The Attendant requires that you also enter at least one Outbound Line, or Web Config won't let you register. For more information on Attendant configuration, refer to the Attendant Configuration section.

Below the Line Number area, you will see a variety of other options that vary depending on which model you are using. You can set any of these options now if you wish. To finish configuration, click the Finish & Send button. If there are any errors, Web Config will stop you and list them. Resolve them and try again. Once Web Config shows "Configuration saved and loaded", your phone will reset and load the new configuration. You're done!

3Basic Operation

The first thing you should do once registered is place a test call. Find someone you wish to call in the Phonebook. To place a call:

  • Click the handset.
    • Home Plus You can also click an inactive line button (the three large white buttons on the lower left).
    • Office Alternatively, click an inactive [LINE] key or the [SPKR] key to use speakerphone.
    • Payphone The phone will create a Handset Attachment. Click "Yes" in the permissions dialog to allow it to attach to your hand.
  • Dial your requested number by clicking individual digits on the numpad.
    • When dialing out, you can also dial in chat by copying and pasting your number into chat or on channel 75 (/75 (800)NTBI-USA). The phone will convert letters into numbers and ignore any special characters.
  • When the number is dialed completely, the phone will place the call.
    • You can dial a number several different ways. For more information, refer to the Numbering & Dialing section.
  • If the other line connects, talk to them by typing in chat or on channel 75 (/75 Hello). You can also use the /me emote if you wish.
  • When you are finished, click where the handset was (e.g. the hidden handset) to hang up.

Note that this is only for basic calls. There are a lot of other features, such as holding, transferring callers, creating conference calls, and more. We will cover these features in a later section.

4Updating Using Config Codes

The video below explains how to update any NorPhone using Config Codes so you don't lose your configuration:

5Configuration Options

This section will list off all possible configuration options and how to use them. Remember, many options are only available on specific models.

Caller ID & Phonebook Options

Phonebook Terms of Service
Listing on the Phonebook is a privilege, not a right. It is important that you read and understand the Phonebook Terms of Service, or we may revoke your listings and potentially prohibit you from using the Phonebook.
Phonebook Prohibited for Special Registrations
This section will be hidden when registering a special 3-digit number, because such numbers cannot be listed in the Phonebook. If you would like a number listed in the Phonebook which connects to your emergency line, we recommend using a PBX to forward the call from the Phonebook number to the actual number.
  • Number Listing Type: determines under which section your phone is listed in the Phonebook.
    • Unlisted: your phone is not listed, and your Caller ID will always show as "UNKNOWN".
    • Personal: your phone is listed under your name in the Personal section, and your Caller ID will be your name (not the caller's name).
    • Roleplay: your phone is listed under a custom name in the Roleplay section.
    • Business: your phone is listed under a custom name in the Business section.
  • Custom Business/Service Name: if you are registering a Roleplay or Business number, you must enter a custom name here under which your listing is made. Your Caller ID will also show the first 16 characters of this name.
  • Category: if you are registering a Roleplay or Business number, you must select a business category from the dropdown provided.
  • Address: if you are in a region with NTBI Address Service support, you can enter an address into this field to be included in your listing. Click the Validate button to validate and use the address.
  • Include phone position as an SLURL: if you are not in a region with NTBI Address Service support, you can check this box to have an SLURL automatically generated of your phone's position and included in your listing.

Dialing Options

Number Entry for Number Fields
When entering a number into any Web Config field (excluding your Line Number, Outbound Autodial, and Memory numbers), you must enter a full 10-digit number without any special characters, like so: 2345551212. A 7-digit number or a number with special characters like (, ), or - will not be accepted and may cause an error when finishing and sending your configuration.
  • Allowed Call Types: determines how the phone can be used to place and receive calls.
    • Allow Any Calls: anyone with access can place and receive calls normally.
    • Allow Outbound Only: anyone with access can place outgoing calls, but the phone cannot receive incoming calls.
    • Allow Inbound Only: the phone cannot place outgoing calls, but anyone with access can receive incoming calls.
  • Inbound Call Filter: allows you to block certain incoming calls based on their phone number. You must specify a full 10-digit number here to use this feature. When set, incoming calls are checked against this field. If the number does not match the Inbound Call Filter, the call is automatically rejected. You can also use asterisks (*) as wildcard digits. To disable this feature, leave the field blank.
  • Outbound Autodial: allows you to automatically dial a number immediately when the handset is lifted. This is useful for "hotline" or "courtesy phone" installations where the phone is only intended to dial a single number. When Outbound Autodial is used, we recommend unchecking the Show Dial Pad option, if available. Note that a full 10-digit number is not required here - any string of numbers which will successfully dial out is accepted.

PBX PBX Options

These options are covered in detail in the PBX Configuration section of the manual.

Attendant Attendant Options

These options are covered in detail in the Attendant Configuration section of the manual.

Office Memory Options

Similar to the Outbound Autodial option, specifying a number here will allow you to press a [MEM] key to dial it. There are 5 memory buttons.

Access Options

  • Base Access Level: determines who can place and receive calls on the phone.
    • Everyone: anyone can use the phone.
    • Same Group Only: only members of the group which the phone is set to in the Edit menu can use the phone.
    • Owner Only: only the owner can use the phone. This is the default on most models, so you should consider changing it.
  • Whitelist: you can enter a list of names for people who can use the phone if, for example, you would like household members to have access but still want to block out anyone else.

Home Home Plus Office Slimline Visual Options

  • Phone Body Color: sets the color of the phone.
  • Home Home Plus Other Options: other options for the Home and Home Plus models.
    • Show Ring Light: allows you to hide/show the red light above the number pad.
    • Show Dial Pad: allows you to hide/show the dial pad. When hidden, we recommend either enabling Allow Inbound Only or setting an Outbound Autodial, although it will still be possible to dial using chat or channel 75.
    • Show Number Label: allows you to hide/show the number label so other people can't identify your phone. Note that if someone is allowed to place calls, they can still obtain your number by dialing 511.
  • Office Slimline Other Options: other options for the Office and Slimline models.
    • Show sim time instead of PST/PDT: when idle, the phone displays the time in SLT (Pacific Time) on its display. When checked, the phone will instead show "estate time", which is based on the sun and moon's position in the Second Life world. Estate time is synchronized gridwide.
    • Show own number on display when idle: when idle, the phone also displays its own number. To hide it, uncheck this box.

Sound Options

  • Sound Set: you can set your NorPhone to use one of four sound sets based on telephone systems around the world. This will affect the ringback tone (sound incoming callers hear when your phone is ringing) and the busy signal.
  • Office Slimline Ringtone Sound: you can set a custom sound which plays as a ringtone. To do so, copy the sound's UUID (right click in your inventory and select "Copy Asset UUID" - the sound must be full permissions), then paste the UUID into the UUID field. If you use a custom ringtone, you must also set the sound's length in the Length field.
  • Office PBX Hold Sound: you can set a custom sound which plays to callers while they are on hold. To do so, copy the sound's UUID (right click in your inventory and select "Copy Asset UUID" - the sound must be full permissions), then paste the UUID into the UUID field. If you use a custom hold sound, you must also set the sound's length in the Length field.
    • As a reward for reading this deep into the user manual, try using this default music UUID: a42ee3ac-9963-6e74-8afb-9ce0a5f0be4e (length 10 seconds).
Sound Length Required
Due to system constraints, you must also specify the length in seconds of any custom sound you use. This is used to loop the sound. The length must be in whole seconds. If the length is not correct, you may hear gaps or skipping.

6Numbering & Dialing

Numbers Available for Registration

The NorPhone will allow you to register any number under the following guidelines:

  • The number must not be already taken by an active line.
  • The number must not be taken by a line which was deleted in the past 3 days. This is to prevent number squatting.
    • An exception to this rule is if the owner of a new line requests a number which he/she recently deleted within this 3 day period, the system will allow it.
  • The first digit must not be 0 or 1 (excluding 110 and 112).
  • The first three digits must not be 950, 958, 959, or 200 (reserved for telco use).
  • The number must be either a full seven digits or one of the following public special 3-digit numbers:
    • 211 (community information)
    • 311 (police non-emergency)
    • 811 (public utility services)
    • 911, 110, 112, 113, or 999 (emergency services)
    • Note that the above labels are only recommendations; you can use these numbers in any way that you wish. However, we may revoke these registrations at an estate manager's request. (Also note that these numbers are internally routed to NNN-0000.)

The NorPhone will automatically adopt your region's assigned area code. The area code cannot be changed unless you are an estate manager (refer to the Estate Services section for more information). Area codes are automatically randomly assigned except in the following pre-assigned areas (such as mainland continents and private estates), which have their own area codes which cannot be used anywhere else:

  • 201 - Northbridge
  • 207 - Cumberland
  • 265 - New Haven
  • 317 - Town Of Avon
  • 352 - Riverlake City
  • 372 - Darkstone County
  • 495 - Bay City East
  • 503 - City Of Liberty Bay
  • 562 - Sansara
  • 651 - Saratoga Springs
  • 732 - Linden Homes A
  • 736 - New Linden Homes
  • 763 - Naverre
  • 808 - Cannibal Estate
  • 923 - Firelands Properties
  • 202 - Alba Islands
  • 212 - Baunatal
  • 275 - Jeogeot
  • 318 - Heterocera Atoll
  • 357 - Fairfield County
  • 404 - Foundry 404
  • 496 - Bay City West
  • 504 - Serena
  • 606 - Giano Famaily Rp
  • 691 - Chateau Bay
  • 733 - Linden Homes B
  • 745 - Hollybrook Community
  • 772 - Fairchang
  • 828 - Fox Hollow Nc
  • 931 - Nautilus Mainland
  • 205 - New River
  • 239 - Magnolia City
  • 303 - Cedar Creek Township
  • 332 - Evergarden Community
  • 364 - Mordheim
  • 447 - Mountain View Commun
  • 497 - Shermerville
  • 513 - Riverton Isles
  • 619 - Corsica
  • 695 - Zindra
  • 734 - Linden Homes C
  • 746 - Pink Melody Estates
  • 788 - Edt Lh
  • 845 - Teen Grid
  • 932 - Nautilus Island
  • 206 - Lionheart
  • 242 - Frolicking Deer Cay
  • 305 - City Of Portofino
  • 339 - City Of Barklyn
  • 367 - North Gaeta
  • 494 - Satori
  • 498 - Luna Oaks
  • 538 - Norcrest Community
  • 620 - Blake Sea & Second Norway
  • 712 - Wolf Creek Township
  • 735 - Linden Homes D
  • 760 - South Gaeta
  • 802 - Woodland County
  • 914 - Cocoa Bay
  • 989 - Mbk - Meisterbastler
  • Dialing Methods

    You can actually dial a number a variety of different ways:

    • 0: will always dial the Gentek Telecom operator. When operators are available, they can forward your call, build conference calls for you, and look up numbers.
    • 911, 311, etc.: public special 3-digit numbers (listed above) will be routed to NNN-0000.
    • 411, *57, etc.: telephone company special 3-digit numbers, listed at the top of the Phonebook, are routed to restricted internal numbers.
    • #1234: known as "extension dialing" or "station dialing", dialing a pound sign (#) followed by four digits will be routed to NNN-1234, where NNN is the first three digits of your own number. So, for example, dialing #1234 from 555-6789 will be like dialing 555-1234. (Cannot be used on Payphones.)
    • 555-1212: dialing a 7-digit number will call that line within your area code.
      • When dialing a 7-digit number, your phone will wait a few seconds before dialing out to allow you to continue dialing up to a 10-digit number. This is normal.
    • (234)555-1212: dialing a full 10-digit number allows you to call any line in any area code.
    • 1(234)555-1212: including the leading "1" on a full 10-digit number is the same as dialing the 10-digit number alone.

    7Advanced Features

    Home Plus Office Multi-Line Calling

    A critical feature of the Home Plus and Office models is their ability to handle up to three calls at the same time. No additional equipment is needed to do this, and all lines are accessible under your phone's single number. This feature is relatively intuitive, but we will cover its use to help you begin.

    • To place a new outgoing call while already in an active call:
      • Home Plus Click one of the unlit white buttons on the lower left (line buttons) and dial the number.
      • Office Click one of the unlit line buttons on the upper left and dial the number.
      • Your previous call will be put on hold.
    • To return to a previous call:
      • If you are finished with your active call, simply end the call and you will be bumped back to the previous call. Note that Hold will be activated when you do this, so you must disengage Hold.
      • If you are not finished with your active call:
        • Home Plus Click one of the flashing white line buttons to switch lines.
        • Office Click one of the red-lit line buttons to switch lines.
    • To accept a ringing incoming call while already in an active call, follow the instructions to place a new outgoing call, except select the line which is ringing.

    Home Plus Office Transferring Calls

    You can transfer calls to other lines with ease. This essentially adds the new line to the call, then disconnects yourself. This is especially useful for office environments.

    To transfer a call, press the XFER button, dial the number you wish to transfer to, and press the XFER button again to complete the transfer.

    Office Conference Calls

    Conference calls are similar to transferring a call, except you don't get disconnected. Instead, all three (or more) parties are on the same line and can communicate with each other. Conference calls can handle up to ten simultaneous lines.

    Operator-Assisted Conference Calling
    When operator service is available, any NorPhone caller can dial 0 and have the operator build a conference call for them. An Office model is not required to participate in a conference call; it is only needed to build one without operator assistance.

    To add a party to your call, press the CONF button, dial the number you wish to add, and press the CONF button again. When you wish to leave the conference call, simply hang up. The call will continue even if the person who built the call disconnects - it will be closed only when there is only one line left in the call.

    Other Features

    • Home Plus Office Hold: press the HOLD button to engage/disengage Hold. When Hold is active, the line is put on hold and chat is not sent in either direction.
    • Office Mute: press the MUTE button to engage/disengage Mute. When Mute is active, the caller will not be able to hear you, but you can still hear them.
    • Office Slimline Missed Calls: the number of missed calls will be shown on the display, if any. To clear this, open a line. Missed calls can be called back using Redial.
    • Home Plus Office Drop: press the DROP button to end the active call. If another call is on hold, you will be switched to that line and Hold will be engaged.
    • Office Ignore: press the IGNRE key to ignore all incoming ringing calls.
    • Office Mem 1-5: press a MEM key while dialing to have the number stored in that memory key dialed into the phone. To store numbers, use Web Config.
    • Office Slimline Redial: press the REDIAL key while dialing to browse through the past 9 calls placed and received. To dial the number shown, press the REDIAL key again.
    • Office Do Not Disturb: press the DND key to enable Do Not Disturb, which automatically ignores all incoming calls. This is useful for when you are out of the office or are busy with somebody in-person.
    • Office Slimline Speakerphone: press the SPKR key or SPEAKERPHONE button to enable/disable Speakerphone. When enabled, anyone within 10 meters of the phone can participate in the call using chat and will be able to hear the caller.

    8PBX Configuration

    The NorPhone PBX is an extremely powerful tool used in building call routing networks. When configuring your PBX, the first PBX option is PBX Mode, which defines how the PBX will handle incoming calls. Because these modes are different, we will cover each mode individually.


    The Split mode is a simple line splitter. When a caller dials in, the PBX will ring all outbound lines simultaneously. When one of the lines picks up, the PBX will connect them to the caller, stop ringing all other lines, and disconnect itself. If all outbound lines are busy or unavailable, the PBX will return a busy tone. You must specify at least one outbound line, although up to 9 are supported. This is useful for people with multiple offices - a caller can dial into your main number, then multiple phones in different locations (even in different regions) will ring.

    This mode can also be used as a forwarding tool. If you want the PBX's number to forward to a different number, you can simply specify the different number as a single outbound line. However, Hold mode should be considered for this purpose.

    Splitting Chained PBX Units
    Split mode should never be used when the outgoing lines are PBX units - for example, as the entry point to a hold array (see below). Instead, Sequence mode should be used.

    Dial Tree

    The Dial Tree mode presents the caller with a welcome message and prompts for a selection. When the caller makes a valid selection, the PBX will transfer them to that number. It is a staple of any corporate call routing system.

    A custom welcome message should be specified in Web Config listing out options to the caller. The digit dialed corresponds to which line is used - dialing 1 will transfer the caller to Outbound Line 1, dialing 2 transfers to Line 2, dialing 5 transfers to Line 5, and so on. If the number dialed does not have a line set in the configuration, the caller will be asked to make another selection.


    The Sequence mode is similar to the Split mode, except instead of dialing all outbound lines at the same time, it dials them one at a time. If the line rings, the PBX will wait until the line picks up, then it will connect the caller. If the line is busy or unavailable, the PBX will go to the next line. If the PBX cycles through all configured lines with no availability, it will return a busy signal.

    This mode also adds an option named Save Sequence from Last Call. This feature should generally be left checked, although can be disabled if you wish. When unchecked, the PBX will always start at Line 1 and proceed to Line 9. However, if checked, the PBX will start from the line after the one which connected the previous call. For example, if a caller gets connected to Line 1, when the next call comes in, the PBX will start at Line 2, proceed to Line 9, then cycle back to Line 1. If that caller connects to Line 3 (if Line 2 was busy, for example), then the PBX will start at Line 4 next time. This is a rudimentary way of distributing calls among several phones without overloading the first few lines. Note that unattended phones will still ring - we recommend utilizing the NorPhone Office and enabling Do Not Disturb when you want a Sequence PBX to skip it.

    Keep in mind, Sequence mode can be slow to connect a call, so it should only be used once in any chained PBX system. For this reason, callers are prompted to hold while their call is routed when they dial in.


    The Hold mode is simple - when a call comes in, the PBX attempts to transfer it to Outbound Line 1 like Split mode. However, instead of returning a busy signal when Line 1 is busy, Hold mode will keep the caller on hold and retry every 30 seconds. Hold PBXes can only handle a single caller on hold at a time, and they can only call Outbound Line 1.

    While a single PBX in Hold mode can be useful for simple forwarding, extremely high-volume operations may need multiple Hold PBXes. In this case, you may want to create a Hold Array. A hold array is multiple Hold PBXes situated behind a single Sequence PBX. When callers call the Sequence PBX, it finds an available Hold PBX and transfers the caller. Then, the caller is kept on hold until the target phone is available, when the call is transferred. Up to 9 callers can be kept on hold in this configuration. To build a hold array, set your actual phone to an unpublished number. You will need any number of Hold PBXes (we recommend 2-3) with each one set to a different unpublished number, and all of them having your unpublished actual phone number in Outbound Line 1. Then, set up a Sequence PBX with the Outbound Lines set to the Hold PBX numbers. The Sequence PBX will be your "entry point", so set its own number to a public number. Note that you should keep the unlisted numbers private, because it is still possible (but inefficient) to call them directly.

    9Attendant Configuration

    The NorPhone Attendant is an answering machine capable of storing up to 20 messages. When callers call your phone through the Attendant, it will answer automatically after 4 rings (by default) and instruct them to leave a message, which can be read later.

    Installation Guide

    The video below explains how to install a NorPhone Attendant on any phone line:

    Reading Messages

    To begin reading messages, press the [PLAYBACK / PAUSE] button. When prompted, press [SAVE] or [ERASE] (saving will simply keep the message for later review). When the messages have all been played, or you press the [PLAYBACK / PAUSE] button again, the Attendant will resume monitoring the line for incoming calls.

    Manual Answer & Power

    To have the Attendant cut in to answer a call before reaching the maximum number of rings, press [ANSWER] while it is ringing.

    To stop the Attendant from answering any calls and simply let them ring normally, press [ON/OFF] to turn the power off. Press again to turn it back on.

    Configuration Options

    • Welcome Message: a message (up to 500 characters) which is sent to the caller when the Attendant answers. The Attendant will instruct them to leave a message, so only a brief welcome is needed. This field is optional if you prefer.
    • Ring Time: the number of rings before the Attendant automatically answers.
    • Record Time: the time allowed for the caller to leave a message. Any text sent to the Attendant will be recorded during this time until the caller hangs up.
    • Outbound Lines (1-3): the phones which the Attendant should ring when a call is received. The Attendant acts as a mini-PBX in Split mode in that it can ring up to 3 outbound lines at the same time, so a separate PBX is not needed for most residential uses.

    10Frequently Asked Questions

    Does the NorPhone support voice?


    How many NorPhones can I have registered?

    There is no limit on registrations. However, users found to be abusing the system or harassing callers may be blocked from using the Gentek Telecom network.

    Nobody else can use my phone. How do I let other people use it?

    You can either set the Base Access Level (see Access Options in the Configuration Options section) or use the Whitelist.

    How do I report a bug?

    From time to time, because of the nature of Second Life, transient connection issues may occur. These are especially common if you pick up and hang up the handset rapidly. However, if your bug can be reproduced reliably, use our Bug Report Form. Please refer to the Known Issues section at the end of this manual before submitting your report - if we already know about it, don't report it. If you are asking a question, contact us instead of using the form. Note that sounds failing to play, such as number readouts, are generally not things we can resolve.

    How do I make a conference call if I don't have a NorPhone Office?

    When operator service is available, you can dial 0 and have an operator build a conference call for you. Refer to the Phonebook for operator availability.

    Can I set my caller ID without being listed in the Phonebook?

    No, to have caller ID, you must be listed.

    How do I remove my number from the Phonebook?

    If you change your Number Listing Type to Unlisted, your number will be removed from the Phonebook when you finish your configuration. If you deleted your phone, the number will be removed from the Phonebook after 3 days.

    How do I get a custom area code?

    If you are not an estate manager, unfortunately, you can only use the area code assigned to the region you are in. If you are an estate manager, refer to the Estate Services section below for information on setting up a custom area code for your estate.

    How can I get NTBI Address Service support for my region?

    Refer to the NTBI Address Service wiki page for details.

    Is there a way to set a custom SLURL instead of the SLURL of my phone?

    Unfortunately, no, this is not possible.

    How do I get someone to stop using a number I have a claim to?

    If you are an estate manager wanting to repurpose a special 3-digit number, refer to Estate Services below. In all other cases, unfortunately, we cannot revoke other people's registrations for you.

    Can I modify or link/unlink the NorPhone?

    Although the NorPhone object is modifiable for repair purposes, we do not recommend modifying it at all. Linking or unlinking it to any other object will break it. The only customization options are shown in Web Config.

    Can I use my own phone model on the Gentek Telecom network?

    At this time, the NorPhone is the only device authorized to use the Gentek Telecom network. Unfortunately, we cannot offer an API or script set for your phone model.

    11Phonebook Terms of Service

    General Guidelines

    To avoid clutter in the Phonebook, we have instituted the following rules regarding listing phones in the Phonebook. Below are general guidelines:

    • Each organization (business, government agency, etc.) may only list one phone number in the entire Phonebook (multiple individual phones, offices, or locations cannot be listed and should be routed to using a PBX)
      • Exception: roleplay government agencies may have one phone number listed per department (Police Dept., Fire Dept., Transporation, etc.)
      • Organizations which are composed of different individual subsidiaries (e.g. NTBI composed of Gentek Telecom, NBS, Gentek, Tredpro, SZYM Motors, etc.) may list one number per subsidiary and one number for the organization as a whole, as long as the subsidiaries are distinctly managed from the whole
      • To avoid violations of this rule, we strongly encourage you to configure your phone and set it to Unlisted before deleting it, as your number will not be purged from the Phonebook for 3 days
    • Government agency phone numbers must be listed under the full agency name, which must include the city/locale name ("Radian City Department of Transportation" is allowed, "Department of Transportation" is not)
    • The first character of the listing name must be alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9) and cannot be a special character or any character intended to bypass alphabetic sorting of listings (special characters not as the first character are still allowed)
    • Listings cannot be sexually explicit or otherwise adult in nature, including escort services
    • Capitalization must be in Title Case and cannot be ALL CAPS or all lowercase for Roleplay and Business listings
    • Format for custom Personal names must be "LAST, First" or "LAST, First & First" for family phones
    • Acronyms must be spelled out ("RCPD" should be "Radian City Police Department")
      • Abbreviations ("Dept.") are still allowed
    • Addresses may only be shown under Location (Address) and cannot be included in the name
      • Names may include an address or city name only if it is part of their actual organization name; otherwise, addresses and city names cannot be included
    • Numbers which are outbound only or are not reasonably intended to be used to receive calls cannot be listed
    • Emergency lines for emergency services cannot be listed, even if they are a full 7-digit number
    • Listings cannot be deceptive in nature (e.g. implying Linden Lab or private estate endorsement, unless such endorsement exists)
    • Public phones cannot be listed
    • Temporary, demonstration, and example phones cannot be listed
    • All listings must comply to the Listing Type Guidelines and (if Roleplay or Business) the Listing Category Guidelines below
    • Failure to follow any of these guidelines will cause us to revoke the violating listing(s)

    Listing Type Guidelines

    There are three listing types in the NorPhone Phonebook - Personal, Roleplay, and Business.

    Personal listings are listed under your Second Life name and are your personal phone number. Each account can only have one personal listing; registering another phone as your personal listing will cause it to overwrite your previous listing. Personal listings are not required and you are free to leave your number unlisted if you wish.

    Roleplay and Business listings are available for phones which are used during the course of business, government, etc. in either the roleplay or business sectors.

    Roleplay listings are only for the following organizations:

    • No L$ or real-world currency is received by the organization for goods and services (excluding rent for roleplay real estate companies)
    • The goods and services provided by the organization are only for roleplaying purposes
    • The organization should play some sort of role in operations within a roleplay environment

    Business listings are only for the following organizations:

    • L$ or real-world currency is received by the organization for goods and services (with some exceptions, see Category Guidelines)
    • The organization has a presence outside roleplay communities
    • The number otherwise is not used within a roleplay environment

    If any of the following is true, the number cannot be listed in either Roleplay or Business:

    • The phone is in a residential location or is intended to be used by residential customers
    • The phone is not reasonably expected to be used to conduct any business or official conversations

    Listing Category Guidelines

    Listing categories are used for Roleplay and Business listings. Ensure you are using the correct category, or contact us for help in choosing one:

    • Business & Professional: organizations engaged in advertising, employment, security (non-law-enforcement), or sales of goods and services to business clients
    • Legal & Financial: banks, insurance companies, law offices (non-law-enforcement), and financial services
      • Law enforcement agencies must register under Community & Government only
    • Personal Care & Services: salons, spas, gyms, barbers, massage, family/dating services, delivery/parcel services, and transportation services (including taxis)
      • Organizations involved in L$ sales of hair, avatars, clothing, and accessories (instead of roleplay) should list under Clothing & Accessories instead, but not both
    • Home & Garden: furniture, appliances, landscaping, repair, alarms, home improvement, and building supplies
      • This category is not for residential use (home phones) - residential customers may only list Personal listings
      • Organizations involved in property rental/sales must list under Real Estate instead
      • Repair and building supply companies may optionally list under Construction & Contractors instead, but not both
    • Construction & Contractors: fabrication, building contractors, repair, building supplies, and land development
      • Organizations involved in property rental/sales - even if they offer "build-to-suit" or prefab services - must list under Real Estate instead
      • Repair and building supply companies may optionally list under Home & Garden instead, but not both
    • Automotive: car/truck sales, parts, repair, service, towing/removal, and rental
    • Health & Medicine: hospitals, health clinics, urgent care, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, family planning, funeral, and medical supply
      • Ambulance services must be listed under Community & Government instead, even if they are not government-affiliated
    • Shopping: organizations involved in public vending which do not fall under any other category or are for multiple categories and do not wish to list under any of them specifically (malls, shopping centers, convenience stores, etc.)
    • Education: schools, colleges, and any other organization involved in education either in a real or roleplay capacity
      • Organizations which actually educate, such as teaching how to build, script, etc., must create a Business listing even if they do not receive L$
    • Real Estate: organizations involved in sales or rental of property, including land, buildings, apartments, offices, etc.
      • This category is not for residential use (home phones) - residential customers may only list Personal listings
      • Organizations which are for roleplay environments must create a Roleplay listing, while organizations which are for non-roleplay land rental or sales must create a Business listing
    • Computers & Electronics: computer sales, service, parts, and repair; software, internet services (including web design), and other electronics
    • Arts & Entertainment: art galleries and installations, bars and pubs, event planning and services, clubs, entertainers and DJs, graphic design, music, libraries, movie theaters, photography, and event centers
      • Bars and pubs may optionally list under Food & Dining instead, but not both
    • Community & Government: all roleplay government or authoritative agencies (including emergency services, although emergency lines may not be listed), ambulance services, churches and religious organizations, adoption agencies, charities, child/day care, community centers/organizations/services, correctional institutions, counseling, courts, government contractors, military, social services, and volunteer services
    • Media & Communications: publishing, telecommunications, and radio/television
    • Clothing & Accessories: clothing, footwear, jewelry, costumes, avatar shapes/skins/accessories, and hair
      • Organizations involved in roleplay hairstyling, salons, spas, barbers, etc. (not L$ sales) should list under Personal Care & Services instead, but not both
    • Food & Dining: restaurants, bakeries, bars and pubs, breweries, cafes, confectioneries, catering, fast food and takeout, smoke shops, delis, diners, food service, grocery stores and supermarkets, and food delivery
      • Bars and pubs may optionally list under Arts & Entertainment instead, but not both
    • Industry & Agriculture: machining, chemicals, utilities, manufacturing, industrial service and repair, farms and farm equipment, and fuel stations
    • Sports & Recreation: sports parks and stadiums, recreational parks and playgrounds, gaming/gambling/casinos, boating/watersports, bowling, camping, country clubs, golf, guns and marksmanship, hobbies, horseback riding, paintball, skate shops, ski resorts, skydiving, sporting goods, and theme parks
    • Other: organizations which do not fit into any other category
      • This category is not for residential use (home phones) - residential customers may only list Personal listings

    12Estate Services

    Area Codes

    Please note that area codes are automatically assigned and do not need setup to use a NorPhone. You can use your NorPhone anywhere without our intervention to set up an area code. Custom area codes are a completely optional estate setting.

    Estate managers can set custom area codes for their regions through the NBS Estate Management page. You don't need to contact us to set up and change custom area codes. However, you will need to use the NBS Estate Verification Tool, available for free on the Estate Management page.

    Protected Estate Area Codes are automatically granted to estates with 4 or more regions, which will prohibit any other region from being assigned your area code and will list your estate in this user manual under Numbers Available for Registration. Note that protection is not retroactive; it will only prevent future new regions from being assigned your protected area code and will prevent other managers from using your protected area code. If a region already uses the area code you protect, it will continue to use that area code.

    Number Reclamation

    If someone is squatting on your region's special 3-digit numbers, contact Nelson Jenkins. (To reclaim a 3-digit number, you must have a protected area code.) We can also revoke registrations for any number if it is deceptively using your estate's name (e.g. your city name) to make it sound official. However, we cannot revoke standard 7-digit registrations for private businesses which are not deceptive.

    13The End

    Updates & Upgrades

    Your NorPhone will be kept updated for free as long as possible. To check for updates, rez a new phone directly from your inventory (phones taken and re-rezzed do not request updates). If an update exists, it will be sent to you.

    Currently, the following versions are the latest versions:

    • NorPhone Home: v1.4
    • NorPhone Home Plus: v1.4
    • NorPhone Office: v1.4
    • NorPhone PBX: v1.4
    • NorPhone Slimline: v1.4
    • NorPhone Payphone: v1.4
    • NorPhone Attendant: v1.4

    Occasionally, certain updates may be required due to service changes which are not backwards-compatible. In this case, you will be unable to place or receive calls, and you will not be able to access Web Config, until you update. If this occurs, we will try to allow both versions to operate for a few days to allow users time to update.

    Currently, v1.4 is the minimum version allowed to access the network. v1.3 and lower phones are not able to access the network due to a Second Life server bug; see here for details.

    Listing All Phones on Your Account

    You can see a list of all NorPhones registered under your account here or through the link on your My Account page.

    Known Issues

    • In some cases, the NorPhone Office's LEDs may not appear properly or at all. Clear your cache and restart your viewer to fix this.

    License Agreement

    Purchase and use of the NorPhone is licensed under the NBS Terms of Service.


    Special thanks to ac14 Hutson for the NorPhone Home, Home Plus, Slimline, and PBX models, Hal Berkmans for the NorPhone Office model, and SLI Komarov for the NorPhone Payphone and Attendant models.

    Release Notes

    January 6, 2017 - v1.4

    • 800/888/877/866/855 "toll-free" business numbers now available to all subscribers for free
    • PBX dial tree now accepts number input through chat for phones with no keypad
    • On models with number display, phone will now display the callback number instead (if set separately)
    • Config codes will no longer incorrectly replace spaces with + characters when loading
    • Script memory footprint reduced to accommodate new Mono overhead
    • If scripts do crash again (hopefully unlikely), phones will no longer DDoS this website

    December 8, 2016 - v1.3

    • Implemented a five-minute delay after a region restart to avoid the "URL request hang" bug
    • Enabled HTTPS

    February 28, 2016 - v1.2.3 (Attendant Only)

    • Fixed bug where answering phone on a new call after recording a message on the last call causes Attendant to be stuck in call

    February 27, 2016 - v1.2.2 (Attendant Only)

    • Fixed bug where pressing [SAVE] or [ERASE] when not listening to messages causes an error

    February 26, 2016 - v1.2

    • Released NorPhone Attendant
    • Released Payphone models and discontinued Payphone Service
    • Payphones now auto-register and cannot be configured
    • Implemented user account creation
    • Implemented Config Codes in Web Config for updating
    • Phones now never reset when re-rezzed (so if phone is deleted, it doesn't lose its configuration)
    • PBX outbound lines now support alpha characters
    • Communications script now auto-deletes if user attempts to hijack linked messages
    • Fixed bug where Home Plus and Office continue to ring if a second/third call comes in but disconnects before pickup
    • Personal listings now support custom names
    • Split PBX disconnect no longer counts as a missed call if the call is accepted by another line
    • PBX (excluding Dial Tree) and Attendant now can bypass Allow Outbound Only restriction (force incoming)
    • Added custom callback number option
    • Inbound calls from a PBX now show the number of the original caller (does not work for chained PBXes)
    • Updater now checks for updates for every rez, not just the first rez

    January 21, 2016 - v1.1

    • Released Slimline model
    • Added 110 and 113 to three-digit special numbers
    • Added /me emote command
    • Added option to have owner notified in chat when phone receives incoming call
    • Objects heard over speakerphone now have (Object) appended to their name to prevent name spoofing
    • Ringer sound changed for Home Plus model
    • 950 prefix restricted to payphones
    • Telco numbers can now override inbound call restrictions
    • PBX sequence memory now saves on ringing line instead of pickup
    • Sequence PBX now releases line immediately on successful routing instead of staying on the line until pickup
    • PBXes now attempt to timeout to prevent being "locked up"
    • Scripts can no longer be put in other objects
    • Phone objects set to phantom
    • Internal security changes
    • Other minor bugfixes